
Tuesday, December 28, 2021

future technologies that can change the education system

future technologies that can change the education system

education system
 education system

today  we will  talk about  how  future  technologies can change the  education system

Reproduce in the online environment the relational system that takes place in the analog environment. SM Educamos' response to the transformation needs of schools is based on this premise. A digital educational ecosystem with which more than 1,200 centers in Spain already work, which has more than two million users in the world and which during the closing of the classrooms last year played an essential role in the continuity of teaching. As a figure, the 19.3 million sessions in February increased For years there has been talking of the school of the future and of new learning models to face the challenges of the 21st century. But the coronavirus pandemic has accelerated the digitization of schools, highlighting the importance of having a strong education system. The work of teachers, with the help of technology, has been vital so that education did not stop, facilitating remote learning and communication with students and families.

To learn about the benefits that technological means bring to schools and the challenges they still have ahead, 20minutos has organized, in collaboration with SM Educamos, the forum 'Technology, and education, hand in hand towards the future. Moderated by Melisa Tuya, editor-in-chief of the newspaper, the meeting was attended by Carles Suero, SM Corporate Director of Education; María Mercedes Marín, General Director of Bilingualism and Teaching Quality of the Community of Madrid; Gonzalo Romero, head of Google for Education Spain; Raquel Benito, director of the El Carmelo Teresiano school in Madrid, and Ángel Satue, lawyer, father of three children and user of SM Educators.

" said Carles Suero, who highlighted the role of new media in improving efficiency, the agility, and speed with which the teacher teaches his students. "Technology allows us to see how to approach the subjects to each student and reach them individually. There are some that need more visual elements, others more practical, some more theoretical ...", added Benito, before adding that they are methods that kids are attracted to them, which boosts their motivation.
Along these lines, Satue stressed that today's kids are digital natives and perceive this reality "with total naturalness." This father of a large family also remarked that technologies allow a greater connection between all members of the educational community: "My parents' interaction with the school was very limited. Now the difference is tremendous. We have a channel with the center that allows us to facilitate participation. "

The speakers agreed to highlight that efficiency and personalization translate into moving towards an educational system whose goal is to ensure that new generations develop the necessary skills to function in an increasingly changing world. In this context, content arises and others are modernized but, in the words of Marín, there are "fundamental" elements, which regardless of the means of acquisition "must be there and will continue."

Among the new teachings that complement these basic contents are subjects such as Robotics or Programming, but there are other aspects that should also be part of the curriculum. From what was exposed at the table, it is concluded that the proper use of these technologies, data protection, and the right to privacy must be among the pillars of education.

Along with the need to promote public-private collaboration to bridge the digital divide and ensure that the new systems reach all students, the participants also stressed that technologies must be a safe instrument, in an environment in which both teachers and the students should be placed in the center. CombiMore than two million users connected
by 34% in March 2020, reaching almost 29.5 million.

"It is a channel in which members of the educational community meet and interact," says Carles Suero, SM's corporate director of Education. The platform does not exclusively offer learning tools, but rather facilitates the management of all the processes that occur in the school, from simple tasks, such as taking roll, to more complex ones, such as carrying out the evaluation of students. It also allows data analysis.

SM Educamos is also an open platform that integrates both the educational content and services of SM and other providers. Among them are Additio, Study Task, School trackers, or SAGE. Along the same lines, it has the backing of large technology partners such as Microsoft –through office 365–, Google –allows login from its environment– and Amazon, with whom we have developed the SM Educamos skill


"The ecosystem is always in constant evolution, managing to integrate more and more and with stronger connections," they point out from the group, adding that it is implemented "in a
We cant easily study without the help of technology
A personalized education based on the development of skills. The educational systems tend to do this, both in Spanish and in neighboring countries. And those goals, in Suero's words, would be impossible to achieve without technology. The big bet is to know how we use it for personalization purposes and to teach skills. And to achieve it without stress, without disruptive changes, and giving our teachers sustainable, measurable, and well-founded elements, "says SM's Corporate Director of Education.

He believes that without the ability to transmit the company's project through the platforms "the educational phenomenon would be impossible." This transmission capacity has become especially essential during the pandemic, especially during the months of home confinement. Then, digital educational ecosystems such as SM Educamos were key so that teaching did not stop: "The number of connections, concurrence, and users was enormous and it was demonstrated that we knew how to respond to the needs of the educational community".


She also speaks of adapting the spaces so that they are "much more versatile, flexible and in which technological means always have a place". The objective is that the students have access to the most modern and, "of course, safer" means...

Access to these means must be universal so that no student is left behind and in this sense, it states that technologies contribute to reducing gaps, "as long as the administrations have sufficient means to contribute them to the centers": "We are in a position to make available to students who need it the same devices and means as those who can afford them. "


Today, the "safest, most scalable, most impactful" technologies are those that are born in the cloud. This is stated by Romero, who adds that it is a question of allowing "democratic access" from any place and device and of supporting the development of the necessary skills in a world in constant reconversion.

In a context in which technology is supporting the transformation of industrning progress with humanistic values and the creativity of teachers is essential

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